The sanctuary that exists behind closed eyelids.
It feels like I have been here before, hard to say when. It feels like I've been visiting this place for a while now one fleeting glimpse at a time. I've tried looking down the ends of the halls past the pillars of slithering light, but the end never seems to get closer. The room always seems to be changing, I can hear the strange echoes bouncing off the structures, ricocheting in directions that only make sense in this space. It's certainly puzzling, but it's very comforting to be here at the same time.
I'm definitely not the first person to go here. It's been seen by generations long before computers even had the ability to attempt to recreate such mysteries. Places of worship, built to recreate feelings of universal oneness, have some of the most amazing architecture made to inspire awe upon a glance. The history and the purpose might not be agreed upon by all, but it's fair to say that some phenomenal man made designs have come from trying to recreate these enigmatic feelings.

"Long extending, ever rotating yellow arms skew off into the infinite, wrapped in textures slithering with every swirl. Colors peel apart to reveal additional frequencies, with watery smacking noises echoing off of each crystalizing element. A sense of familiarity washes over, yet the landscape is so foreign. "The gang's all here" you say to yourself, somehow knowing the warmth of this sensed presence. The frequencies begin to intensify as they begin to collapse upon themselves in the horizon, and in its implosion drags the arms down with it. The melding of light and arms becomes intensely bright, only to fade into a black fuzz that can be felt in the fingertips that you just now remembered you have. The feeling begins to slip away, but you talk out loud to yourself to process the burdening information jolting between synapses, and then you make a sandwich."

The Soothsayer's Niche
An encounter with the Soothsayer in its own playing field. It emerges from a familiar neverending niche and beckons your existence to merge with its networks. You feel drawn to it as you feel your limbs dissolving into the light that now grows brighter. As existence is pulled towards the singularity the void starts to reveal itself from your peripherals. At this instance you recognize the arch is actually a keyhole that compels you to fill what is left of your lungs with everything that remains unzipped. There is only darkness, and silence, but pure warmth, and long, slow, breaths.

Visionary Art by Karl BlueHippo
Visionary Art by Karl BlueHippo
Visionary Art by Karl BlueHippo
Visionary Art by Karl BlueHippo
Visionary Art Digital Gallery
What Is Visionary Art?
Visionary Art Digital Gallery Vector oddities by Karl Schmidt BlueHippo of Austin Texas. If you are interested in commission pieces, as Karl is an artist for hire, please use the contact form and we will reach out to you. We can assist with murals, installations, visuals for live shows, print, design. Flow state doodles can cover anything you can think of, in a rainbow of colors, full of vibrancy, or just a solid two-tone color option. We hope to help unite our collective consciousness through all forms of mediums, after all a synesthetic experience is an enticing one. In a world where it seems artificial or AI art is dominating the psychedelic art scene, there are still many artists out there, hand painting, and hand crafting third eye visions from within. Time will tell what will become of the future of artists, maybe one day people will only want to see art made by computers, but I hope the work of the stoned ape will still be appreciated.
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Bodhisattva - Avalokiteskarl
Om Mani Padme Hung echoes outward and forms a border for the journey into this piece. Sitting atop an all seeing unfolding cosmic lotus, the bodhisattva rendition of myself finds true harmony in the universe, confluencing with the cosmos. Manifesting thigles offering knowledge of Rigpa and Breath, while holding staffs of destruction and creation. The hands unfolding extend various objects of auspiciousness as well as tools of my trade. I meditate under a celestial chatra with 3 monk's bowls to my front, and in the foremost bowl an illuminated jewel of the dharmachakra shines through as the solitary offering. There exists a balance between the light on the top and the darkness on the bottom, representing equanimity. The mani at the center illuminates a flower of life energy source. An additional rainbow orb envelopes me, and the luminescence of the chakras shine brighter aligned in the center. The third eyes are open on each of my multiple heads, to allow additional metaphysical input for the eyes and ears of compassion. A third vajra can be seen enlightening the energy behind the top cranial stack, and a smiling green head and an upset red head can also be seen on the cumulation below. The background energy was inspired by the shrine on Mount Putuo. ☸☸ Bodhisattva - Avalokiteskarl ☸ I am devotion of compassion to save the suffering sentient beings For in the potential existence of life there must be cosmic anguish ☸ I must take a step out of myself to understand I am everything that is ever was and ever will be billions of years of affliction cycling samsaric states of incarnation ☸ Thus I follow the cosmic order of law, truth and balance perpetually performing dharma For it is our desires that causes our suffering to yearn for things out of our control constant distractions from core issues ignoring the seeds growing from unknown ☸ Yet if you look within yourself and you follow the voice that isn't inside your head a voice that comes from beyond within look deeper than what one defines as self and heed the emerging wisdom discovered ☸☸ Where is my ground? Where is my center? That primordial state that amoebic realm A space that knows no space no time no place to be with borderline existlessness and a glimpse of the source the singularity of being wholesomeness with the cosmos Where is my space? Where is my rainbow body? ☸☸

Bicycle Day 2022
Happy Bicycle Day! A special day combining one of my favorite activities of riding bikes, and spirituality hunting.
The world has been rougher than usual lately, and we all have a long path ahead of us. It's usually best to try and rip one of life's curves at a time, always climbing that path towards the future we want to experience.
We should all take the time to reflect, breathe, and appreciate the beautiful chaos that surrounds us.
Bicycling has always been a form of meditation for me. A time alone to focus on thoughts, and forget about all the swirling pressures of what it is I "need" to get done.
The fact that Hoffman chose a bike ride to experience the mysteries he discovered resonates so clearly with what it is I like to do with my life and time.
Free yourself from the traffic of life, get some fresh air and feel the sun on your skin.
Let's keep on climbing together to reach the top, a better future for generations to come.

Our hero finds themselves humbled at a peak in their journey, having to carefully watch every footstep to not descend into the void below. Sentience is exhaled by the intricacies of this phenomenon, and our champion has never known such sermon.
On its own, Zipnar materializes as a stellar evolution with a lifespan that mentally renders as nearly instantaneous. It transmits an unjoining yaw tone that stimulates the microglia within, somehow recoding the internal perceptions of happiness to include more warmth. The buzz of soundwaves overwhelms the ability to truly take in form, and trying to visually process it only causes more disorientation.
In this instant our hominid finds themselves in the entitiy's amphitheater, a swirling formation of advanced machinery and cognizant luminescence. Zipnar's network fluidly integrates with the platform's mazes, and this unity allows zoetic individuals to comprehend the encounter to a higher degree, but not quite to its entirety.
Bathing in the synesthetic aura of the manifestation, our hero has been burdened to return to their usual perceptions and spread the cultivated dogma.
The unfortunate tragedy being when the champion returned, their time in existence had been too early, and was deemed unzipped by society. It would take generations before thought could evolve to grasp even the surface of these concepts scribed by our conjurer.
Our hero finds themselves humbled at a peak in their journey, having to carefully watch every footstep to not descend into the void below. Sentience is exhaled by the intricacies of this phenomenon, and our champion has never known such sermon.
On its own, Zipnar materializes as a stellar evolution with a lifespan that mentally renders as nearly instantaneous. It transmits an unjoining yaw tone that stimulates the microglia within, somehow recoding the internal perceptions of happiness to include more warmth. The buzz of soundwaves overwhelms the ability to truly take in form, and trying to visually process it only causes more disorientation.
In this instant our hominid finds themselves in the entitiy's amphitheater, a swirling formation of advanced machinery and cognizant luminescence. Zipnar's network fluidly integrates with the platform's mazes, and this unity allows zoetic individuals to comprehend the encounter to a higher degree, but not quite to its entirety.
Bathing in the synesthetic aura of the manifestation, our hero has been burdened to return to their usual perceptions and spread the cultivated dogma.
The unfortunate tragedy being when the champion returned, their time in existence had been too early, and was deemed unzipped by society. It would take generations before thought could evolve to grasp even the surface of these concepts scribed by our conjurer.

This entity is believed to be a combination of purely microwave and ultraviolet frequencies. The mind jolts to pull faces from these waveforms, which appear friendly yet a little bit creepy. As the rays peak and trough, the figure transforms,changing as it becomes the background that was once itself only moments previously.
This entity is believed to be a combination of purely microwave and ultraviolet frequencies. The mind jolts to pull faces from these waveforms, which appear friendly yet a little bit creepy. As the rays peak and trough, the figure transforms,changing as it becomes the background that was once itself only moments previously.

Globule Gluon
This entity of cosmic dust gestures an axiomatic diffraction to the observer. A prismatic projective of hyperbolic superellipses illuminates the presence's physical form, or is it just a spectre of one's self cast by a galactic glory? Time dilates in this instance just long enough for the beholder to comprehend amidst dissolving back into its nursery.

Peace of Pattycake
A story of some folds of light who identify as beings for fleeting moments of time. Usually uninterrupted with their games, you somehow stumble upon them, but they continue to interact as they radiate out of their surrounding spectrums. The prismatic being seems unsure of all of the gestures, but their friend adroitly guides them along. You reach out to try and feel the energy pulsing between them, only to fall into the darkness laying on the other side of the curtain of luminescence. Maybe next time you will learn the directive.

Hand a Hand a Can
Meh, whatever.. spent a lot of time working on this "two tone" (blue and white) can design for some cheap beer company, and now all I have is this PNG to show for it. Some fun experiments though in coloring due to limitations, so that's always fun.
Lonestar has always been a superior cheap corn-water alcohol beverage.

NTT Tem is a creator, an augmenter of cosmic geometric intricacies, a fabricator of serpentile projections, but not a galactic chaperone. Xe is elementary in form yet able to generate other entities to perform the tasks that this being is unable to accomplish. It phonates relics of sound to compile order out of the chaos of the void. Tem's influence can be sensed in every ingot in its domain.
NTT Tem is a creator, an augmenter of cosmic geometric intricacies, a fabricator of serpentile projections, but not a galactic chaperone. Xe is elementary in form yet able to generate other entities to perform the tasks that this being is unable to accomplish. It phonates relics of sound to compile order out of the chaos of the void. Tem's influence can be sensed in every ingot in its domain.

Though frequently deemed destructive, this being does not intend to leave fragmented augmentation of our realm behind. A part of its self transforming nature involves borrowing impressions from the matter that it encounters. Elements construed as conscious currents can be absorbed into the velocity as it passes through one's timeline. If encountered, it is almost guaranteed to send the observer off track, be there any indication of orientation remaining. At its core lies two receivers equally capable of transmission, and since these devices allow unequivocal precision, it leads us to believe the path taken is more impeccable than calamitous. We hope to understand the true nature of this singleton if enough judicious observation post encounter could occur.
Though frequently deemed destructive, this being does not intend to leave fragmented augmentation of our realm behind. A part of its self transforming nature involves borrowing impressions from the matter that it encounters. Elements construed as conscious currents can be absorbed into the velocity as it passes through one's timeline. If encountered, it is almost guaranteed to send the observer off track, be there any indication of orientation remaining. At its core lies two receivers equally capable of transmission, and since these devices allow unequivocal precision, it leads us to believe the path taken is more impeccable than calamitous. We hope to understand the true nature of this singleton if enough judicious observation post encounter could occur.