Globule Gluon
visionary art entity
Our hero finds themselves humbled at a peak in their journey, having to carefully watch every footstep to not descend into the void below. Sentience is exhaled by the intricacies of this phenomenon, and our champion has never known such sermon. 

On its own, Zipnar materializes as a stellar evolution with a lifespan that mentally renders as nearly instantaneous. It transmits an unjoining yaw tone that stimulates the microglia within, somehow recoding the internal perceptions of happiness to include more warmth. The buzz of soundwaves overwhelms the ability to truly take in form, and trying to visually process it only causes more disorientation.

In this instant our hominid finds themselves in the entitiy's amphitheater, a swirling formation of advanced machinery and cognizant luminescence. Zipnar's network fluidly integrates with the platform's mazes, and this unity allows zoetic individuals to comprehend the encounter to a higher degree, but not quite to its entirety.

Bathing in the synesthetic aura of the manifestation, our hero has been burdened to return to their usual perceptions and spread the cultivated dogma.

The unfortunate tragedy being when the champion returned, their time in existence had been too early, and was deemed unzipped by society. It would take generations before thought could evolve to grasp even the surface of these concepts scribed by our conjurer.
NTT Tem is a creator, an augmenter of cosmic geometric intricacies, a fabricator of serpentile projections, but not a galactic chaperone. Xe is elementary in form yet able to generate other entities to perform the tasks that this being is unable to accomplish. It phonates relics of sound to compile order out of the chaos of the void. Tem's influence can be sensed in every ingot in its domain.