Globule Gluon
visionary art entity
NTT Tem is a creator, an augmenter of cosmic geometric intricacies, a fabricator of serpentile projections, but not a galactic chaperone. Xe is elementary in form yet able to generate other entities to perform the tasks that this being is unable to accomplish. It phonates relics of sound to compile order out of the chaos of the void. Tem's influence can be sensed in every ingot in its domain.
Constantly unfolding in multiple directions, a shape appears to undulate, simultaneously passing inward while somehow out. The configuration is composed of many fabrics, each moving in their own divergence. Ribbons of energy palpitate fragments, suturing the legion of compiled fibers. These slivers each move in their own sentience, yet unified to isolated individuals. Tessellated quadrant panels recede into darkness, dissolving into echoes across a distant plane, bound by clasped teeth. Precipitously, a tubus appendage of some higher luminary flows atop the formation, absorbing and contorting the energy around it. It effortlessly roots through the perplexity establishing its network